KDXplore User Guide

KDXplore is a desktop-based Java framework for individually licensed plugins produced by DArT or 3rd parties. These plugins are focused on applications for plant breeding, genetics, and biological sciences.

DArT has designed these plugins to help with activities such as trial management, trial design, data curation, and visualisation of data.

The image below shows how these plugins might fit into a typical trial workflow:

(select to zoom)

KDXplore is used as a standalone application but is also a part of the integrated KDDart Platform.

Why Use KDXplore?

Some of these features and benefits of the KDXplore plugins provided by DArT are:

  • Efficiently work with trial and nursery data offline;

  • Design trial layouts;

  • Search and view data stored in the KDDart database;

  • Visualisation tools to help with data exploration and curation;

  • Management of KDSmart devices and datasets;

  • Barcode production for printing to use with KDSmart barcode scoring; and

  • Flexible data transfer solutions, including uploading to a KDDart database.

Our web application, KDManage, can perform many of the same activities as the provided plugins. However, KDXplore can perform these activities offline. Network access is only needed if you want to transfer data to or from a KDDart database.

What Now?

You can be given access to KDXplore by emailing kdxplore@diversityarrays.com and requesting a copy.

See the Getting Started page for information about how to install and use KDXplore.

You can also email us if you have any questions or feedback on KDXplore and any provided plugins. DArT will release the KDXplore framework as open-source, and we would love to hear from anyone looking to develop their own plugins.

More Information

The following suggested topics provide a brief overview of KDXplore and the KDDart environment:

Please see our websites for more information about DArT, the KDDart Platform, or our other applications:


This user guide is a growing resource. We will add additional content as software developments occur.