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KDDart core platform is an open source project available under GPLv3 license.

This page provides resources available to download.

General Downloads

KDDart Poster

KDDart poster presented at the PAG XXIII conference can be downloaded from here

KDSmart Downloads

If you are creating CSV files for import into KDSmart the following Excel workbook may be of use: KDSmart_CSV_Import_Format.xlsx.

Developer Downloads

KDDart core

KDDart core development platform can be downloaded from github at:

KDDart wrapper libraries

To make life of the programmers easier we developed number of DAL wrapper libraries (Java, JavaScript, Perl), which are available on github: - check relevant repository.

The following sample programs (as separate source attachments) illustrate usage of the DAL API (web services) access layer to KDDart.

JAVA code examples

Perl code examples