
Trial Manager is a KDXplore plugin that enables users to manage trials, traits, and tags. It also contains tools for creating barcodes and connecting to the KDDart Database. In addition, Trial Manager connects to KDSmart devices for data transfers, even without internet access. The purpose of this overview page is to outline the main UI elements of Trial Manager.

Trial Manager Main Window

The Trial Manager Main window contains three main tabs for trials, traits, and tags. The image below is of the Main window and opened to the Trials tab. Each tab contains different tools for managing data, and the following sections will show the uses of each tab.

Trial Manager Main Window
Trial Manager Main Window (select to zoom)

Trials Tab

The Trials tab contains all information for each trial and tools for the management of these trials. The image and list below provide information on the main elements of the Trials tab:

Trials Tab
Trials Tab (select to zoom)

Main Elements of the Trials Tab


UI Element



Trials tab trials_btn

Displays all trials currently in Trial Manager and provides tools to manage these trials.


Trials panel

Lists the trials available within Trial Manager. Selecting a trial in this panel will display its information in the other panels.


Trial Details panel

Displays trial details for the selected trial.


Uses Traits panel

Lists the traits used in the selected trial.


Measurements panel

Lists the measurements in the trial by the source, i.e. which KDSmart device took the trait measurements.

Trials Panel

The Trials panel is the main interface for managing trials in Trial Manager. It lists all trials currently available in KDXplore and provides options for importing, editing, organising, and deleting trials.

Trials Panel
Trials Panel (select to zoom)

UI Elements of the Trials Panel

UI Element


Trials tab trials_btn

Highlighted when selected.

Import button import_btn

Provides options for importing new trials.

Add button add_btn

Create a new trial or trial bundle.

Edit Bundle button edit_btn

Edit any selected trial bundle, including adding or removing trials from that bundle.

Delete button delete_btn

Delete trials from KDXplore and shift-click to delete the trial’s traits as well. Please note that trials imported from KDDart will not be deleted from the online database but only from the local database.

Filter button filter_btn

Opens a search field for filtering trials.

Trial Grouping button trial_grp_btn

Provides grouping options to organise trials.

Trial Details Panel

Trial details are presented when a trial in the Trials panel is selected. The details will differ depending on the trial source, such as the KDDart Database, the local database, or KDSmart.

Trial Details of a Trial from KDSmart
Trial Details of a Trial from KDSmart (select to zoom)

Trial Details of a Trial from KDDart
Trial Details of a Trial from KDDart (select to zoom)

UI Elements of the Trial Details Panel

UI Element


Trial Info button trial_info_btn

Refreshes trial information from KDDart.

Seed button seed_btn

Opens the Seed Preparation wizard for preparing seeds for planting.

Edit Current Trial button edit_btn

Opens the Curation window to curate data collected for the trial.

Upload button upload_btn

Upload the trial to KDDart.

Harvest button harvest_btn

Opens the Harvest wizard for harvesting specimens.

Barcode button barcode_btn

Provides options to generate barcodes and download them in CSVs. These CSV files can generate scannable barcodes for plots, subplots, and traits.

Edit button

This button has no icon but is the disabled button in the top-right corner of the above two images. It allows users to edit some values of the trial details, such as the trial name or planting date. If the value in the attribute column is blue, then the value in that row is editable in KDXplore.


Please note that the Seed Preparation wizard and the Harvest wizard are still in an alpha state.

Uses Traits Panel

The Uses Traits panel lists the traits within a selected trial and further information on each trait, including the trait descriptions and data validation rules.

Uses Traits Panel
Uses Traits Panel (select to zoom)

UI Elements of the Uses Traits Panel

UI Element


Trait Order button trait_order_btn

Opens the Change Scoring Order window where you can choose the order to score these traits in the field.

Add Traits button add_btn

Opens the Add Traits window where you can add any available traits on KDXplore to the trial.

Remove Traits button minus_gold_btn

Removes the selected trait from the trial. Multiple traits can be selected for removal at the same time.

Refresh button refresh_btn

Refreshes trait and trial data of the trial.

Measurements Panel

The Measurements panel provides information on the collected samples of a trial. The example of the image below contains three sets of samples:

  • the Curated column with a fraction and percentage of curated versus non-curated plots;

  • the For Scoring column is a scoring set that you can export to KDSmart for scoring; and

  • the Galaxy S6 column is the scored samples imported from KDSmart.

You can select both traits (rows) and datasets (columns) for further actions, such as in the example below.

Measurements Panel
Measurements Panel (select to zoom)

UI Elements of the Measurements Panel

UI Element


Remove Traits button minus_gold_btn

Remove any selected traits from the trial.

Export button export_btn

Opens the Export Samples window to export the selected samples or traits for a trial. You can export any scoring set to KDSmart for scoring.

Add Scoring Set button add_btn

Choose traits to create a scoring set.

Delete Collected Samples button delete_btn

Delete collected samples (the selected column).

Traits Tab

The Traits tab contains all information for each trait in Trial Manager and tools for managing these traits. The image and list below provide information on the main elements of the Traits tab:

Traits Tab
Traits Tab (select to zoom)

Main Elements of the Traits Tab


UI Element



Traits tab traits_btn

Displays all traits currently in Trial Manager and as well as tools to manage these traits.


Traits panel

Lists the traits and trait bundles available in Trial Manager.


Used by Trials panel

Lists all of the trials that contain the selected trait.


Details panel

Lists the currently selected trait details, including the trait name, alias, and level (plot or subplot level).

Traits Panel

The Traits panel is the main interface for managing traits in Trial Manager. It lists all traits currently available in KDXplore and provides options for importing, editing, organising, and deleting traits.

Traits Panel
Traits Panel (select to zoom)

UI Elements of the Traits Panel

UI Element


Traits tab traits_btn

Highlighted when selected.

Import button import_btn

Provides options for importing new traits.

Barcode button barcode_btn

Provides options for generating and printing barcodes

Add button add_btn

Create a new trait or trait bundle.

Edit Bundle button edit_btn

Edit any selected trait bundle, including adding or removing traits from that bundle.

Upload button upload_btn

Upload the trait to KDDart.

Export button export_btn

Export selected traits to a CSV file. A window will open which will provide these options.

Lock button lock_btn

Locks and unlocks editing for traits. Locking traits ensures that they cannot be changed after being used.

Refresh button refresh_btn

Refreshes any changes made to trait data.

Filter button filter_btn

Opens a search field where you can enter text to filter traits.

Delete button delete_btn

Delete traits or trait bundles from KDXplore.

Used by Trials Panel

The Used by Trials panel displays the trials that contain the selected traits, along with the trial acronyms and planting date.

Used by Trials Panel
Used by Trials Panel (select to zoom)

Details Panel

The Details panel lists the details of the currently selected trait, including the trait name, alias, and level (plot or subplot level).

Details Panel
Details Panel (select to zoom)

UI Elements of the Details Panel

UI Element


Undo button undo_btn

Undoes any changes made to the selected trait. This button will be disabled if not applicable.

Redo button redo_btn

Redoes any undo action made on a selected trait. This button will be disabled if not applicable.

Any attribute that is in blue is editable (if editing is unlocked). Double-click a value to open the Edit Trait Properties window, as seen in the image below. Values can be edited and then saved with the Save button.

Edit Trait Properties Window
Edit Trait Properties Window (select to zoom)

Tags Tab

The Tags tab contains all information for each tag in Trial Manager and tools for managing these tags. The image and list below provide information on the main elements of the Tags tab:

Tags Tab
Tags Tab (select to zoom)

Main Elements of the Tags Tab


UI Element



Tags tab tags_btn

Displays all tags currently in Trial Manager and provides tools to manage these tags.


Tags panel

Lists the tags and tag bundles available in Trial Manager.


Details panel

Lists the details of the selected tags.

Tags Panel

The Tags panel is the main interface for managing tags in Trial Manager. It lists all tags currently available in KDXplore and provides options for importing, editing, organising, and deleting tags.

Tags Panel
Tags Panel (select to zoom)

UI Elements of the Tags Panel

UI Element


Tags tab tags_btn

Highlighted when selected.

Import button import_btn

Provides options for importing new tags.

Add button add_btn

Create a new tag or tag bundle.

Edit Bundle button edit_btn

Edit any selected tag bundle, including adding or removing tags from that bundle.

Upload button upload_btn

Upload the trait to KDDart.

Export button export_btn

Export selected tags to a CSV file. A window will open which will provide these options.

Filter button filter_btn

Opens a search field where you can enter text to filter tags.

Delete button delete_btn

Delete tags or tag bundles from KDXplore.