KDDart Tutorials

Welcome to the KDDart Tutorials which provide instruction to getting started with some of the functionality of KDXplore, KDSmart and KDManage.
They will guide you through a series of exercises for activities that are required to setup KDDart and begin working with your trials and nurseries.

The main objectives of these tutorials is to learn how to:

  1. Use KDmanage to:

    • Log into KDDart;
    • Navigate the application;
    • Create KDDart user accounts and groups;
    • Load genotypes into KDDart;
    • Load specimens into KDDart; and
    • Generate a trial design in KDDart;
  2. Use KDXplore to:

    • Load and manage trials (from either CSV or KDDart);
    • Transfer trials, traits, and tags to a KDSmart device; and
    • Curate data scored in the previous step using KDXplore;
  3. Use KDSmart to:

    • Score or record phenotypic data; and
    • Transfer trials, traits, and tags to KDXplore.

This tutorial offering will grow as we add more content.

A full Tutorial Table of Contents is listed below.

By following these tutorials you will be able to perform many of the primary functions with these applications.
More in depth information about any of these applications is available in the help guides located at www.kddart.org/help/index.html.

Navigate these tutorials using the left hand menu and return to this page using the logo or home (this page) link at top left.

The image below provides an outline associating the key seasonal breeding activities with KDDart activities and indicates the KDDart applications that equate to that role:

Example of the Trial Data Workflow (select to zoom)

The core activities currently available for this tutorial are shown as hyperlinks in the following table aligned with the KDDart application used - refer to the key below:

Yes, possible in this application - Refer to help guides for more information
Link Yes, possible in this application - Navigate to the specific tutorial content
Functionality is coming to this application


Not applicable for this application
Tutorials - Phenotypic Data Collection and Upload
Topic Name KDManage KDXplore KDSmart
Creating KDDArt User Accounts and Groups Creating Users



Logging into KDDart Logging in
Adding a New Trial Creating a New Trial
Loading Genotypes Loading Genotypes


Loading Specimens (Planted Specimens) Loading Specimens


Loading a Trial Design CSV


Selecting an Appropriate Trial Layout


Uploading Traits
Adding Traits


Uploading Tags


Adding Tags


Attaching Traits to Trial to Make Trait Instances
Attaching Traits


Making a Scoring Set (i.e. Sample Group)


Scoring Set


Selecting a Planting Date
Planting Date


Creating Plants (i.e. Sub Plots)




Moving Trials to KDSmart


Moving Trials
Selecting Collection Order



Scoring Panel
Scoring One Trait and Attach One Tag to a Plot or Plant



Scoring Data
Move a Scored Trial to KDXplore


Transferring Scored Trial
Data Curation
Curate Data


Upload to KDDart
Saving Data



Further KDDart Software tutorials are under development to further assist you.
Check back here soon for more tutorials and your feedback is always welcome!

Getting Started

To start with these tutorials you will need to have access to the applications:

  • KDManage can be accessed with a web browser and internet connection. See below for information on logging in to a sample database if you do not already have access.
  • KDXPlore is a desktop application that can be installed on your computer and then used offline. Please contact DArT by emailing kdxplore@diversityarrays.com and requesting a copy.
  • KDSmart is an Android application that can be used on any device that is running Android version 4.4 (Kit Kat) or higher. Please note that earlier versions may also work but are no longer supported. KDSmart can be downloaded from the Google Play Store.

Training Sample Data

The following CSV trial with data file can be used with these tutorials. Select the link to download the file: KDSX-Training-maize-with-data.csv

For KDManage and KDXplore exercises the following table provides a KDDart database URL, training user names, passwords and group.


This database is reset daily at 21:00 AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) and is offline for approximately one hour at that time. Any data added to the database or changed will disappear or revert at that time.

KDDart Sample Database link, usernames and pass phrases
Field Value
Database URL https://kddart-t.diversityarrays.com/dal
Note: Copy paste to the KDXplore login window
KDManage URL http://kdman-t.diversityarrays.com
User / Pass / Group Trainee1 / training / Train
User / Pass / Group Trainee2 / training / Train
User / Pass / Group Trainee3 / training / Train
User / Pass / Group Trainee4 / training / Train

Tutorial Table of Contents